Monday, March 29, 2010

You Might Be a Diet Coke Addict If…

The company I work for provides “free” cokes to its employees. They’re not technically free because you’re supposed to put a donation in a jar that goes to the Boys and Girls Club at the end of each year. But whatever, it’s not like you’re sticking $60 in the coke machine. Anyway, we were out of Diet Coke this morning and I had a fleeting moment of panic. I was quickly comforted, however, when I realized I just happened to have an extra 12-pack laying in the back seat of my car. Then I realized that’s insane. I’m still drinking the Diet Coke I got out of the car while all the other Diet Coke drinkers around here are dealing with Sprite Zero. It gave me an idea for a blog post, though. So, without further ado, you might be a diet coke addict if…

10. You’ve been able to redeem Coke Rewards points for multiple items including a $50 Sephora gift card and a subscription to O Magazine.

9. You choose a restaurant based on whether they serve Coke or Pepsi products.

8. After five hours of working out, you pop open a cold one while everyone else truly rehydrates with Gatorade and water.

7. You wake up thirsty in the middle of the night, slam one, and then fall right back to sleep.

6. One of your most vivid memories involves the way your Diet Coke tasted after a long hike on a hot summer afternoon.

5. You can taste the difference between Caffeine Free Diet Coke and real Diet Coke. Chick-Fil-A will sometimes try to sneak some unleaded in your cup.

4. You bring your own Diet Coke when you travel or visit friends just in case they don’t have any where you’re going or the off chance you might drink all that’s there.

3. Your friends (and their parents) stock up on Diet Coke if they know you’re coming.

2. You crack one open first thing in the morning.

1. You’re keeping the secret stash in your car to yourself, even though you know there are other addicts who might even pay you for one.


  1. Hahaha! Love it. Sadly, we have been too lazy to collect the points. We probably could have earned a trip to Europe by now or something!

  2. welcome back! You've been missed!!

  3. Haha-- love this! My secretary knows that if she has forgotten to refill the diet coke in the fridge, it's not going to be a good day for her.

    Why do restaurants think that diet pepsi is the same as diet coke? No, diet pepsi is not okay-- just bring me some water.

  4. you would be so proud of me, hanpee! i don't remember the last time i had a coke!

  5. My brother drove my car the other day & said that I have so many cans of Diet Coke in my car that I should just stick a huge decal on my car advertising it to the public. Why is it so easy to bring a can of DC to my car, but so hard for me to bring the empty ones out. Another sad note: I ran into the store the other day & although I was back in my car in less than 5 minutes, my DC got hot in this new hot weather. I put it up to my lips & as my brain was telling me not to drink, my lips were too fast & I drank hot metal DC without knowing it. Yuck. I will miss the cold days when my DC stayed cool & fizzy even after a trip into Target.




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Just a busy girl trying to make the world a better place one group fitness class at a time.